Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014


In this chapter, you'll learn how to add sound to your Prezi files.

Why use sound in Prezi?
Apart from the reasons mentioned previously, your Prezi will really benefit from having sound if you decide to embed it into a website or share it on the Prezi explore page (http://prezi.com/explore/). Adding sound into these online Prezis will help the users exploring them understand the content quicker and with more clarity.
You might decide to have audio recorded from your live session and have it played at certain points in your Prezi. Or you might just want to create some kind of mood for the user that fits with your Prezis message. For the latter, you can use a music track that loops continuously when your Prezi is viewed online.
A great example of sound being used to its full potential in Prezi can be seen on the Prezi Explore page at http://prezi.com/wwmfvms6dno-/the-maverickpresenter- prezihelpcom/.
Some other benefits that using sounds can bring are:
• Provides a bigger impact with auditory learners in your session
• Allows expert speakers to talk to your audience without even being there
• Gives people viewing the Prezi online a chance to feel like they were really there at your live event
• Online Prezis could offer translations into multiple languages to be selected and listened to at the user's discretion
• Generally makes a presentation more interesting, engaging, and memorable

Where's the Insert Audio button?
Like any piece of software, there are lots of clever little things happening beneath the
surface that we don't see. When you use the Image option on the web and the Google images appear, that's because some lovely person at Prezi wrote some clever coding to make it all happen.
It's these clever little bits of code that mean you can insert shapes, images, frames, movies, drawings, and so on. But where's the insert audio button? Surely the developers at Prezi have thought of that haven't they?
Well actually, no, they haven't. Not yet anyway. At this moment, Prezi is still in its
infancy and changing all the time. One thing the Prezi team is great at is listening to their users and introducing new features based on what users want. At this moment in time, there is no insert audio button in Prezi, but it doesn't mean that will be the case forever, and if you really want audio there are ways to add it. Otherwise what would be the point in this chapter!

How is audio inserted?
The following screenshot should give you a basic understanding of how this is done:

Until inserting audio becomes part of the Prezi software, (fingers crossed it'll be soon) you will have to convert your audio files into video format to use them on your Prezi canvas. What this means is that the techniques explained in the rest of this chapter are really just a workaround to trick Prezi into thinking you're using video, which technically you will be. It'll all become clear throughout the chapter, and trust us; it will definitely set your Prezis apart from the rest of the crowd and get you to Prezi Master Status.
There are two different routes you can take to use audio in Prezi, so we'll explore them both in detail here and hopefully your Prezis will be making lots of noise by the end of the chapter.

Where to get sound files from?
Knowing where to find great sounds from will save you lots of time, and just like with imagery there are some great online libraries to choose from:
• www.clipdealer.com
• www.sound-effects-library.com
Each of these online libraries offers thousands of sound effects and music tracks at very low prices. They all have very easy-to-use search facilities, and for those of you who are aspiring to become a Prezi DJ you can use Audio Networks beats per minute calculator in your search to help you find really fast-paced tracks, or relaxing slow tracks. Of course you can also search for sound effects and music tracks that are free to download. In some instances, this will take a little longer, but ultimately means that you and your company aren't spending a penny and achieving some great results.
Here's the best of the free audio libraries:
• http://www.freesound.org
• http://www.partnersinrhyme.com

Creating your own sounds
You probably won't have time to sit there in the office and create your own sound effects of babies crying, dogs barking, and a T-Rex roaring. If you do, then please don't blame us when your boss calls you into his office because they think you're having a breakdown!
If you want to add narration to your Prezi, or maybe have a subject matter expert speak to your audience without flying them in from halfway around the world, then you can use the following technique to record and edit your own sound files for free.
1. Go to http://audacity.sourceforge.net and download the free audio recording software.
2. Install the software onto your PC or laptop and then install the LAME encoder from http://manual.audacityteam.org/help/manual/man/faq_ installation_and_plug_ins.html#lame. This enables you to export your sounds in the .mp3 format.
3. Now open Audacity. When you first open the software it will detect your machines microphone.
4. Click on the Record button to start recording your audio, and click on the Stop button when you're finished.
5. Click on the Play button to review the sound and the Delete button on your keyboard to remove it and start again.
6. Once you're happy with your audio, click on File, Export, and select WAV from the file type drop-down list.
7. Open your exported WAV file to test it. Repeat steps 4-6 to create additional audio files.
If you do want colleagues from overseas or subject matter experts to speak in your Prezi, then you'll need to send the preceding instructions to them unless they already have the capabilities to record their voice. Unfortunately, creating the sound is only the first step, and as you'll see further, there is more that's needed to get audio working well inside Prezi.

Anderson, Russell. (2012). Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations. Birmingham: Packt Publishing Ltd.

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